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The KoinDX v2-sdk is a node module which can be used to interact with the KoinDX v2 contracts.

NPM Package


Getting Started


npm install @koindx/v2-sdk

If you want to interact with the chain, you may want to install bignumber.js, dotenv and koilib as well.

npm install bignumber.js koilib dotenv


Import the package in a Javascript or Typescript file.
Harbinger is a KoinDX Testnet. If you want to work on Mainnet, please use ChainId.MAINNET .

ES6 (import syntax)
import { ChainId } from "@koindx/v2-sdk";
CommonJs (require syntax)
const SDK = require("@koindx/v2-sdk");


These examples demonstrate the basic usage of the KoinDX v2-sdk.

Fetch Token

Fetch TKOIN from Harbinger
import { ChainId, Fetcher } from "@koindx/v2-sdk";

let token = await Fetcher.fetchTokenData(ChainId.HARBINGER,"1FaSvLjQJsCJKq5ybmGsMMQs8RQYyVv8ju");

Native Assets

KOIN and VHP are predefined assets in the SDK. You can directly create the currency objects without fetching them from the chain.

Using native assets
import { ChainId, TKOIN } from "@koindx/v2-sdk";

const tkoin = new TKOIN(ChainId.HARBINGER);

Fetch Pair

Only the chain id and two token currency objects are required to fetch the data a token pair from KoinDX. Some return values will be presented as a BigNumber object. The SDK works with BigNumber.js which you might want to use as well.

Fetching a liquidity pair
import { ChainId, Fetcher, TKOIN, VHP } from "@koindx/v2-sdk";

const tkoin = new TKOIN(ChainId.HARBINGER);
const vhp = new VHP(ChainId.HARBINGER);

let pair = await Fetcher.fetchPairData(ChainId.HARBINGER, tkoin, vhp);

Add liquidity

Add liquidity to an existing pool
import { Pool, ChainId, Fetcher, TKOIN, Percent, VHP } from "@koindx/v2-sdk";
import { Signer } from "koilib"
import BigNumber from "bignumber.js";
import 'dotenv/config'

// define slippage
const slippage = new Percent(new BigNumber("10"))
// create assets
const tkoin = new TKOIN(ChainId.HARBINGER);
const vhp = new VHP(ChainId.HARBINGER)
// create signer
const signer = Signer.fromWif(process.env.ACCOPUNT_PK);
// create pair
const PAIR_VHPKOIN = await Fetcher.fetchPairData(ChainId.HARBINGER, tkoin, vhp)
// create pool
let pool = new Pool(PAIR_VHPKOIN);

let result = pool.addLiquidity(tkoin, new BigNumber("100000"), slippage)
let data = {
from: signer.getAddress(),
receiver: signer.getAddress(),
token_a: result.token_a.address,
token_b: result.token_b.address,
amount_a_desired: result.amount_a_desired.toFixed(0, 1),
amount_b_desired: result.amount_b_desired.toFixed(0, 1),
amount_a_min: result.amount_a_min.toFixed(0, 1),
amount_b_min: result.amount_b_min.toFixed(0, 1)


This example shows how the Router object is used and how Koilib can be configured to execute a trade through the KoinDX Periphery contract. Besides the V2-SDK and koilib this example code uses dotenv and bignumber.js.

Retreive the path for the Router and then execute the transaction
import { ChainId, Fetcher, TKOIN, Percent, CHAIN_TO_PROVIDER_MAP, Router, VHP, PeripheryAbi, CHAIN_TO_ADDRESSES_MAP } from "@koindx/v2-sdk";
import { Signer, Contract, Transaction } from "koilib"
import BigNumber from "bignumber.js";
import 'dotenv/config'

// provider
// define slippage
const slippage = new Percent(new BigNumber("10"))
// create asset
const tkoin = new TKOIN(ChainId.HARBINGER);
const vhp = new VHP(ChainId.HARBINGER)
// create signer
const signer = Signer.fromWif(process.env.ACCOPUNT_PK);
// set provider
signer.provider = provider
// create pair
const PAIR_VHPKOIN = await Fetcher.fetchPairData(ChainId.HARBINGER, tkoin, vhp)

* */
// create the route by adding the trading pairs and relevant Currencies parameters
// in this example: VHP/KOIN Pair and the input currency VHP
// A route through multiple pairs (vhp to KoinDX token) would look like this:
// let router = new Router([ PAIR_VHPKOIN, PAIR_KOINKOINDX ], vhp, koindx)
let router = new Router([PAIR_VHPKOIN], vhp)
// get the data which will be the parameters for our contract call
let result = router.tradeExactIn(new BigNumber("100000"), slippage)
let data = {
from: signer.getAddress(),
receiver: signer.getAddress(),
amountIn: result.amount_in.toFixed(0, 1),
amountOutMin: result.amount_out_min.toFixed(0, 1),
path: => token.address)

// get the addresses related to the correct chainId
// setup periphery contract
let periphery = new Contract({
id: address.periphery,
abi: PeripheryAbi,
provider: provider,
// set only operation
periphery.options.onlyOperation = true;
// define configs
let configs = { payer: signer.getAddress() };
// create new Transaction
const tx = new Transaction({ signer })
// add a swap_tokens_in operation
tx.pushOperation(periphery.functions.swap_tokens_in(data, configs))
// send the Transaction
const receipt = await tx.send();
await tx.wait();
